Brighton Wing Chun | Part Of The WCK UK Organisation

Sifu Steve Poskitt
Head Instructor

Sifu Steve Poskitt is the instructor at Brighton Wing Chun.

Steve first become interested in martial arts as a teenager at the height of the Bruce Lee craze and studied Feng Shou Kung Fu under Master Chee Soo. On moving to Brighton to attend university he was unable to find any Kung Fu schools in the area teaching so called soft styles.

After trying several other arts he eventually found a class studying Pak Mei ( White Eyebrow ) Kung Fu and resumed his martial arts training.

Unfortunately the classes did not continue and he spent several years studying a variety of other arts including Zen Chuan and Taekwondo. It was at this time an interest in weapons training blossomed and Steve spent several years training with nunchaku, swords and knives.

In the early eighties Steve first discovered Wing Chun when a friend asked him to join him at a class in Brighton started by Master ( now Grand Master ) Kevin Liu,  thus an obsession for Wing Chun was born.

After being involved in a car accident while working in Thailand Steve was advised by doctors to stop martial arts training and for some years avoided any serious training, just training sporadically in Tai Chi and Chi Kung.

In 2004 Steve's son, then aged 12 years, pressured him to resume training a martial art and, after much searching eventually both began training in Nam Pai Chuan, a Shaolin based system from Malaysia under Sifu Matthew Gross at Sussex University.

Realising that the doctors may have been playing it safe Steve immediately sought out a Wing Chun class, and resumed Wing Chun training under Sifu John Woolgar and Sifu Pete Woolgar ( this was the Leung Ting WT lineage ).

Several years later Steve continues training working towards 6th PG Level under Sifu Wes Hussey of WCKUK , teaching at the Brighton Wing Chun School.